Back to school

Earlier this week (Oct 24), I started an online TV writing class at the Writers University. The class is Beginning Television Writing, which covers exactly what it says. Buy the end of the class - four weeks from now – I should have a tight, well plotted outline and all the knowledge I need to start writing my spec teleplay. We shall see about that. I’m only 2 days into the class and the information I’ve gained so far has been well worth the $119.96 + $10.85 for the book by the two course instructors, Lee Goldberg and William Rabkin.
I found out about the class from Lee Goldberg’s blog A Writer's Life which I go to daily. His blog is very informative and updated nearly everyday, unlike my mine. I have a few ideas for TV shows and never really understood how to write them. I get the whole screenplay thing for movies, but TV is a whole different thing altogether. I think once I get the basics I should be fine. I’m sure there will be a lot more to learn after this class but this class will lay the foundation for what I do in the future.
I also will be taking my second acting at Mike Lemon Casting her in
For that class I had to do few scenes with others, some improve, script analysis and a two minute monologue. I decided to pick a very hard monologue which at the time I thought was a good idea. It didn’t turn out the way I wanted it to but I did learn a lot.
With that class I had all 8 weeks to go over my monologue and got feed back from the class along the way. With the new class I’m taking – Film Acting I – I have to have my monologue ready for the first class on Nov 15th. This class is also an on camera class so I will be videotaped and forced to watch myself act like a fool. No pun intended. Well maybe some pun intended.
I'm not looking forward to seeing my self on camera at all. I think I could pull off an oscar winning performance and it would still be the hardest thing for me to look at.
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