Ninja Rap!

“Looks like its some mother fucking ninja’s in the house!”
That line is a direct quote from Mr. Robert Van Winkle a.k.a. Vanilla Ice. On Saturday I had the fortune to witness an anomaly, a Vanilla Ice concert. Why was I there? A few friends and I went to Brownies 38th st for some drinks to celebrate my birthday. Vanilla Ice just happened to be there. I have to admit I was a big fan of his and can still do the dance to his best known song, Ice, Ice baby! I still have 2 of his albums and yes I said 2.
I was going to write whole post about it but who really cares? I’ll just leave you with some of his quotes.
“How many of ya’ll watched the surreal live this year? I had the chance to hang out with a legend, Ron Jeremy.”
“I paved the way for Eminem!”
“I have a new album coming out on under ground platinum, go out and get it. Don’t sleep on it creep on it.”
There were more but I think these will suffice.
'hang out' with Jermey? don't they have a law about showing it in public? (snort)
The karaoke this was funny. I don’t know why he gets so mad, that song is the reason know and love him. If indeed they do love him.
The Moviequill,
I’m pretty sure there was some of that going on.
It was a blind of both old and new. No one wanted to hear the new shit, even thought it wasn’t bad.
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