I see the light...

I just finished going over my short script doing a polish and then a write. I like the out come. I only have two scenes that I have to tighten up then it should be done. What do you do when you’re done your script or any other writing that you want critiqued? I have a few friends I will give it to, but they are my friends and I want an honest answer.
What questions should I ask? Should I ask any, or just let them tell me what they thought? I’m not sure. I plan on shooting this script sometime in the spring or early summer if everything goes well. What so you do?
here's the answer to your script-critique prob:
#1 - find a complete asshole (kevin)
#2 - make sure it's someone who has absolutely ZERO consideration for anyone's feelings be they man or beast(kevin)
#3 - then find someone else, because a complete asshole will more than likely act like one (kevin)
there's your solution. i hope it doesn't help. at all. ever.
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